Cheapest Macro Style for Beginners

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Macro or Micro?

It has different meaning, but just what I know

Macro = Very close up

Micro = thing like cells, atoms, germs, etc.


Sure some of beginner like to have their own Macro Photo right?
Almost everything is suitable for macro's subject. Just name it.
For beginner, to do some macro photography, you need to study the macro well.

"Hey, they only gives me Kit Lens. So how?"

In this case, I dont suggest you to but macro lens ( I guess you wont, it is far to expensive )
Due to that, I suggest you to buy "Macro Filter"

Depending on the diameter of your lens (basically, the Kit lens' diameter was 58mm), you can equip it to your lens (just like your UV lens)
It only cost you $30 (RM 100++) to obtain such macro photo.

"Wow! great! but, how does it work?"

Equip it to your lens, then focus it to the subject closely (I mean, VERY close) and you will see the filter actually work like magnifying glass.To focus it, you will not use the AF, switch it to Manual, and focus it by moving the camera forward or backward until you spot the right focus on subject. (very, I mean VERY tricky)

I recommend that:

1. Use flash, this will increase the speed of shutter and avoid "blur shake" effect.
2. Use tripod, for more stable position.
3. Use small aperture (f/11) for avoid too much DOF (depth of field)

Hey, I just spot some of the filter for kit lens at!

HERE! (for kit lens)

the magnify power depending on the filter it self (+3,+6,+10)

And this is some macro photo that I made using my own macro filter :



dont trow it or economy down

on the smooth surface

and my fav one :

Love Bug

So? It is very good investment for you own photography! Try it and share it to the world.

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Blog of photography. Just want to show some of my photos taken by Canon EOS 400D. I'm a just a beginner in photography and take this field as a hobby. So the blog will more or less represent my photo gallery.

I will also post some of my reference books, tips and trick of DSLR camera, amateur guideline and introduction to real photography world.

I also try to help the beginner master the basic theory of photography.

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