Light Strike
Saturday, September 26, 2009
I love this photo! The light effect was perfect. Taken at "Wisma Satok" ground floor sale booth, viewed from level 2.
I love this photo! The light effect was perfect. Taken at "Wisma Satok" ground floor sale booth, viewed from level 2.
The Spring Mall I talking about..
yup! This one inside Sarawak Plaza..I like the vanilla flavor..Very sweet^~^
Taken at "Tun Jugah" mall, waiting for dinner at Chicken Hartz opposite the mall~
I'm parking car near the pub entrance. This neon tube sign also very attractive, and very efficient for pub business perhaps. Hehehe...P/s:: no money to club~ I pass~
Some kind of messy because the tripod not holding the camera tightly. But anyway, this is my favorite photo.
Young model of mine. Both this cute girls were my niece. I take a bunch of shot of these two because they very love it.
Lovely...I spot this floating advertisement at one of the famous mall at Kuching Sarawak, The Spring..I love the design of the advertisement! Colorful and very noticeable!
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